Coventry Resident Earns Fulbright Award

Natte Fortier, who graduated from Virginia's Hollins University this spring, will spend nine months in Spain as an English Teaching Assistant.

Roanoke, VA (06/06/2024) — Natte Fortier of Coventry, a member of Hollins University's class of 2024, has been accepted into the Fulbright U.S. Student Program, the U.S. State Department's flagship initiative devoted to international academic exchange. Fortier will travel to Madrid, Spain, this September to spend nine months as an English Teaching Assistant (ETA), working in Global Classrooms to coach students in Model United Nations.

"I would not have even dreamed of putting my hat into the ring if my advisor, [Ruth Alden Doan Assistant Professor of History] Christopher Florio, hadn't told me I was one hundred percent capable of doing it," Fortier says. "It would not have been possible if I didn't have his support and feedback throughout the application process."

Fortier knew upon entering Hollins that he was interested in education, and initially centered his ambitions around a career in policy. Declaring a major in political science, he subsequently got the chance to engage in real-world advocacy for education issues when he interned with State Senator Jennifer Boysko during a Virginia General Assembly session in Richmond.

"I got to work on legislation that was geared toward teacher training," Fortier explains. "It was a great opportunity to learn what the legislative process looks like and see some of the different sides of education policy."

Fortier ultimately chose to stay at Hollins for four years and converted his history minor into a second major, a decision that would have a considerable impact on his academic and career goals. While still largely interested in education policy, his love of history began to take center stage.

In 2023, Florio urged Fortier to apply to The Leadership Alliance's Summer Research Early Identification Program (SR-EIP) at Columbia University, which its website describes as "a fully paid internship program that provides undergraduates with training and mentoring in the principles underlying the conduct of research and prepares them to pursue competitive applications to Ph.D. programs."

As with the Fulbright Program, Fortier was initially skeptical about applying to SR-EIP. "I would not have applied if Professor Florio hadn't told me I should. I was still focused on going into policy, and I didn't think I necessarily wanted to do historical research. I thought that was something that maybe wasn't accessible to me. But Professor Florio assured me I could do it and supported me throughout the application process. That was incredibly beneficial."

Attending SR-EIP last summer was a pivotal moment for Fortier. "The experience definitely changed my mind. Getting to perform hands-on archival research and connect with different professors and graduate students at Columbia was an amazing opportunity. It definitely helped me learn about research and realize what I want to do."

Inspired by his work at SR-EIP, Fortier interned during January Short Term this year at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., where he made important contributions to an education project. "I worked on turning a collection of audio recordings of Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking poets reading from their works into lesson materials that teachers can use in their classrooms. I learned library sciences firsthand as well as the behind-the-scenes process of research. It was very cool to learn last summer about what it is to be a researcher and then in January work with people who make research happen."

Fortier's senior thesis, "Framing Femininity: Opportunities for Gender Non-Conformity at U.S. Women's Colleges at the Turn of the Twentieth Century," has earned prestigious honors. The thesis received first prize in U.S. history at the 2024 Virginia Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society Regional Conference and won the 2024 Wyndham Robertson Library Undergraduate Research Award in the junior/senior category. At Hollins' 47th Honors Convocation in April, Fortier received the Mary Williamson Award for the best study submitted in the field of humanities. He was also presented the Pi Sigma Alpha Award, which recognizes the senior with the highest grade point average in courses taken in political science. Fortier noted that "my own experience as a trans student at Hollins" served as a significant influence. "I can recognize through my time here that this space of a historically women's college has provided me the opportunity to express myself, find myself, and find love and support in this community."

Fortier has been an active leader at Hollins, serving as a resident assistant and campus tour guide. He is currently president of the Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance (FMLA), a social justice group dedicated toward racial justice and the inclusion of transgender students. During his leadership, FMLA has brought guest speakers to campus to discuss Roanoke's LGBTQ+ history, held sex education events, and organized NARCAN training. "I really wanted to connect students to different organizations in Roanoke and I hope that continues next year after I graduate," Fortier notes.

After completing the Fulbright Program next year, Fortier plans to pursue a Ph.D. in history and become a professor, but he emphasizes that he intends "on staying involved in the research realm. The time that I spent at Columbia over the summer and the time that I spent this year on this long but exciting thesis project made me realize I love research. I didn't realize how exciting it could be before I immersed myself in it. It's like solving a mystery or piecing a puzzle together, and I hope to continue doing historical research in the future."

He also stresses that the importance of community will continue to guide him long after leaving Hollins. "The connections I've made here have taught me that when I go out into the real world, I will still feel empowered to advocate for myself and ask for help. Sharing ideas and inspiration with Hollins professors and students alike has been the most powerful part of shaping who I want to be."

Hollins University is dedicated to academic excellence, creativity, belonging, and preparing students for lives of purpose. Hollins provides an outstanding and academically rigorous undergraduate liberal arts education for women and entrepreneurial and innovative graduate programs for all in a gender-inclusive environme

Media Attachments

Natté Fortier on her undergraduate career at Hollins: “If I didn’t have the chance to work with such incredibly dedicated professors, I would not have achieved the same opportunities.”